Mandarin Chinese MYO Content Ideas

Update: I compiled a list of where to buy mandarin content MP3s online here:

I like to make bilingual content for my 18m toddler. Yoto only sells 1 card (Unhurried Journey) which has Chinese content. It’s important for my child to also have access to Mandarin Chinese music and storirs, so below is how I source my content for Yoto MYO cards. I am using Mandarin Chinese examples but really you can use whatever language you wish as the info applies to all languages.

1. Myself! You can record yourself singing, telling stories, talking, etc. Ideally I'd like my parents to do this but it's kind of a lot of work for them... so right I record myself reading the Chinese Baby Bear book sets to her. My accent is not that great but I still like having her hear someone reading Chinese books to her.

2. CDs. If you can find mandarin CDs, you can rip the audio to mp3 format on your computer and make a Yoto playlist then link it to card. For example right now I have miki's SUNNY kids song CD as well as the cd "You are the best" by Kim Hsieh.

3. Online MP3s from Amazon music or Itunes. This is different than streaming - you need to own the actual music. Amazon sells "A Little Mandarin" which is a wonderful collection of Mandarin songs for toddlers. I bought the MP3s on Amazon then made a playlist on Yoto and linked it to a card. Another person to look ups is Sharon Gan, she had online kid’s Chinese music classes as well as 2 children’s Chinese albums for sale (no affiliation, just want to share resources)

4. Bilingual books with audio content. A lot of bilingual Chinese/English books published in the USA includes audio content. "Yi Er San" provides a CD that comes with the book and and "Imagine World" provides a code to download the MP3s off thir website. "Chinese Nursery Rhymes" has the files available to download from their website. Other books, like Bitty Bao/Baby Snack Time/Curious Little Bao do not have the audio available to download but they do have it to stream. A quick google search can tell you how to download the files so you can make a playlist to link to a MYO card. This is kind of a gray area, but I DID buy the books and there is no way my toddler knows how to get to the music using QR codes and my phone. I want her to independently be able to start and stop the audio, and her controlling a Yoto card herself is the best way. I have a lot of bilingual books where the authors provide audio, but it's time consuming so I haven't gotten around to many of them. In general when I buy a bilingual book, I check to see if they have audio content available. It is a huge plus and I tend to purchase their books versus books without any supportive audio.

If anyone else here has similar goals and has leads on good mandarin chinese audio content for kids, I am ALL ears!!

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