Ideas Wall
Got a bright idea for Yoto rattling around your head?
Got a request for a card?
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The big ideas
The most popular ideas out there!
Things we're considering
Suggestions you made that are now a real life thing!
Make Your Own
You love it, we love it. But here is how you would make it better.
Yoto App
Your control central, behind the scenes, just with added dreams!
Yoto Club
Ideas for improving how our subscription service works.
Bedtime & Sleep
Bright ideas for the toughest time of the day.
On the go
Ideas for making Yoto better when you're out about
Listener Stats
What are they listening to anyway, and what is their favourite card?
Player Modes
Ideas for making Yoto players do different things at different times of the day.
Suggestions for a better user experience with how content downloads to players.
Fun Features!
These may not fit into any particular theme, but for ideas that we just love!